,,We make it easier ‘‘ Why? Being on maternity leave, not sleeping, caring for, cleaning up and then overcoming difficult obstacles in front of or in the house? Nonsense, we'll make it easier for you. Whenever you go for a regular walk, to the doctor, for shopping, or anywhere else, it will be easier and more pleasant with us,,


We assemble all over Europe

!!! Realization here !!!

!!! Here you will find a map of all realizations !!!


!!! All ramps include assembly tailored to your stairs !!!

Raids for prams, bins, bikes, motorcycles, walkers, etc ...


By purchasing, you will contribute for children with cancer

The Art Against Cancer Gallery by Irena Kraftová is the only project of its kind in the Czech Republic and in the world and is protected by a trademark. © 2020

For more information, click on the logo.




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